Regular Meeting –October 5, 2010


            I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Steve Howard at 1700 hours.  Members present: Steve Howard, Bill Britton, George Owen and Larry Helsley.  Member absent: Mike Williams.  Others present: Chief Smith, Assistant Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Sleeper Jeffrey Hamilton, Firefighter Howard and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting September 7, 2010 -

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries MSC: Helsley/Owen to approve consent agenda as presented.


    III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.         Discuss/Approve – Volunteer Fire Department Halloween haunted house and smoke maze – Firefighter Howard reported on the progress with the haunted house, the plans are going well and donations are coming in, CHP will be doing a room as an accident scene.  The High School will be helping, Firefighter Howard will ask the Association for $500 to help with costs.  Firefighter Howard asked the Board for permission to have the haunted house/smoke maze in the engine bay.  MSC: Helsley/Britton to approve the use of the fire hall for the haunted house on Halloween.

B.         Discuss/Approve – Trinity County contract for warning beacon – Chief Smith reported he and Mr. Williams met with Mr. Forslund and there were items to be changed, we are still waiting for the amended contract to be sent to us.  This item tabled until the next regular meeting.

C.         Discuss/Approve – Shasta/Trinity regional occupational program, community classroom training agreement – Assistant Chief Alvord reported they have been trying for a long time to get this program going, there are 6 students that are signed up for the program a, two of them are old enough to be Junior Firefighters.  They would like to participate with junior trainings on the 2nd and 3rd Mondays of each month every other Saturday from 10-2.  Mr. Hammer reported his concerns are with having the trainings here at the station, we are not covered for this by our insurance, our meeting hall is not considered a community classroom.  Mr. Hammer advised the board to get a MOU between the Fire District and the ROP program to outline the responsibilities of each.  Mr. Hammer stated that the College should already have a copy MOU on file.  It is ok for us to provide training at their site or not, just not at our station until an MOU is in place.  Assistant Chief Alvord will work on an MOU with the College and get it to Mr. Hammer ASAP.  MSC: Britton/Helsley to approve the community classroom training agreement as long as no training is to be on site pending an MOU in place.



A.         Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan submitted a written report to the board in his absence; Mr. Frost has reduced our Title III grant applications by 10% ($30,000) to make them balance.  There have been few requests for the hazardous reduction program; we can get Firestorm in at full force after fire season when the funding is received.  Mr. McMillan submitted 9 sites for reduction to T.C.R.C.D. for their Senior-Citizen-Assistance-Program.

B.         Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Smith Report:

Inspections – Illegal burn barrel on Virginia Street, Chief Smith met with property owner and explained that burn barrels are illegal in Weaverville.

Plan Reviews – New porch on Placer Street, New Carport on Brooks Lane and a New Carport on Hansen Mine Road.

Hydrants – Leaking hydrant on the corner of Easter Avenue and Garden Gulch Road, Weaverville CSD knew about the leak and had it fixed in a week.

OES – OES may allow us to put our metal box back on the Water Tender.

Meetings – Community health meeting, TCCA meeting, Warning beacon meeting, we are still waiting for the contract, met with our insurance agent Jennifer Aho and their consultant to discuss policies and procedures, Conference call with Assistant Chief Alvord and Santa Rosa Jr. College for volunteer firefighter state training, Met with retired sprinkler installer Mr. Johnson who will be assisting in sprinkler inspections in the future. I also attended the monthly WES fire drill and another TCCA meeting.

Misc – New fire and building codes were ordered, the spaghetti feed for Serena Brown was a success, everyone who helped was thanked and $3,500 was raised.  10 Fire Districts were contacted regarding the Fire Recovery USA program and all 10 were happy with the services and background checks are started on our 2 new recruits.

C.         Assistant Fire Chief’s Report: Assistant Chief Alvord reported that we will have at lease 2 BLM funded classes this winter, Engineer and Operators academy will be presented at the next dinner meeting and will be Tuesday nights and on the weekends, they are 50 hours long and should be completed by the end of this year.  The scrap metal from old cars will be sold for funding to get a codex training box. 

D.         Sleeper Program Reports: Sleeper Hamilton reported that there is a new chore schedule for him that has been working better; there have been no security problems.

E.         Committee Reports

a.     Recruitment Committee – 2 new Firefighter and 1 new junior applicant there was 1 applicant turned down due to standard background issues. 

b.     Collections Committee – None

c.      Contract Committee – None

d.     Director Reports – Mr. Owen had questions about the parcel on Hwy 3 across from Tops Mini Mart regarding building before a hydrant is installed, constructing road and sewer does not apply as building.  Mr. Helsley spoke about the Health Departments schedule for $5 flu shots, Chief Smith will check with the Department and see how many volunteers are interested in getting the shots.  Mr. Howard thanked Firefighters Howard and Hamilton for all of their hard work they have put into the haunted house.  Chief Smith stated that the insurance consultant said that as a volunteer department we are doing a great job.




V.              CORRESPONDENCE: None


VII.     ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1752 hours.


Approved: November 2, 2010




______________________________                  _____________________________

         Steve Howard, Chairman                                        Marjie Maddox, Clerk