Regular Meeting –November 2, 2010


            I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Steve Howard at 1700 hours.  Members present: Steve Howard, Bill Britton, Mike Williams and Larry Helsley.  Member absent: George Owen.  Others present: Chief Smith, Assistant Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Fire Recovery USA Cost Recovery Consultant Chris Valenzuela, Firefighter Prindiville and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


       II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting October 5, 2010 -

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries MSC: Helsley/Britton to approve consent agenda as presented.


    III.               PRESENTATIONS:

A.         Laura Redwine from Matson & Isom to discuss our annual audit – Mrs. Redwine was absent due to being sick she submitted an e-mail that was read by the Board, she stated the audit was a clean and pointed out a few items that were missed during our last years audit.

B.         Chris Valenzuela with Fire Recovery USA to discuss their billing program – Mr. Valenzuela gave a presentation about the Fire Recovery USA program.  There were several questions asked by the Board members and Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer.  Fire Recovery bills comprehensive insurance, they have an average collection rate of 83% and charge 25% of fees that are collected. 


     IV.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.         Discuss/Approve – Annual Audit performed by Matson & Isom – The annual audit showed a clean opinion, which is the highest rating we can get, there were no audit findings.  It was discussed this audit meets the full requirement of the law; Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer assured the board that it does meet the requirements.  MSC: Britton/Helsley to approve the annual audit as presented.

B.         Discuss/Approve – Resolution 10-3 establishing and implementing a program to charge mitigation rates for the deployment of emergency services by the fire district for service provided/rendered for the Weaverville Fire Protection District – Chairman Howard recommended to table this item until the next regular meeting and appointed a committee of Chief Smith, Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer, Mr. Helsley and Clerk Mrs. Maddox to meet and compare OES billed calls vs. Fire Recovery USA’s incident billing costs and make a recommendation to the board at our next regular meeting.

C.         Discuss/Approve – Trinity Contract for the warning beacon – No contract has been received from Trinity County; Chairman Howard tabled this item until the next regular scheduled meeting.

D.         Discuss/Approve – Shasta-Trinity regional occupational program community classroom training agreement – Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer approved this MOU, MSC: Britton/Helsley to approve the MOU agreement between the Weaverville Fire Protection District and the Shasta-Trinity regional occupational program as presented.



A.         Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan reported Firefighters Howard and Hamilton have 1 more job to complete, the Firestorm crew started on Monday and have 13 sites ready to start.  There will be an article in the Trinity Journal this week.  Mr. McMillan reported that he was awarded the Title III grant again for $204,000 and there might be more funding available at a later date for this project.

B.         Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Smith Report:

Inspections – Property behind Plew’s Plumbing for a 4 parcel split.

Plan Reviews – Addition and garage on Taylor Street, addition on Court Street, and a parcel split behind Plew’s plumbing.

Vehicles – WT-32 had a short in the left rear brake light that was repaired.

Station One – Chief Smith and Firefighter Heryford started laying out plans for the LCD projector and speakers.

Meetings – Thanked Assemblyman Chesbro at the EMS expo for the bill that he co-authored to assist rural fire departments with DMV class B endorsements.  Met with Frank Moore of Hyampon to help with the ordering of laptops for our FEMA grant.  Mr. Britton and Chief Smith attended a conference in Redding about the new sprinkler law, and Chief Smith attended the TCCA meeting.

Misc – Annual fit testing has been started, researched laptops and LCD projectors for the FEMA grant and some of the parts are starting to show up, Firefighters Howard and Hamilton were thanked for all of the work they did on the Halloween Haunted House, we now have 30 volunteers, 2 juniors and 3 on leave.

C.         Assistant Fire Chief’s Report: Assistant Chief Alvord reported that Chief Smith acquired several training items and videos that he has been using in his training program including EVOC.  Driver/Operator class has been started 10 volunteers and the mechanic is participating.  Thursday mornings have been used for volunteers to get training to get off of probationary status.  Ready reserve (BLM) grant classes will be open to all departments this winter; there should be a total of 8.

         Captain Prindiville reported Firefighters Howard and Hamilton did a great job putting together the Halloween Haunted house this year, they guess 300 – 500 people attended.  Captain Prindiville reported they are discovering new ideas every year, they want to add more fire prevention while people are standing in line waiting to get in.  They plan on starting their planning stages before September next year, CHP and TCLS helped this year and they want to get more groups involved next year to make the process easier.  Chairman Howard thanked the board for their help with the haunted house on Friday.

D.         Sleeper Program Reports: None

E.         Committee Reports

a.     Recruitment Committee – None

b.     Collections Committee – None

c.      Contract Committee – None

d.     Director Reports – None



V.              CORRESPONDENCE: None


VII.     ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1836 hours.


Approved: December 6, 2010




______________________________                  _____________________________

         Steve Howard, Chairman                                        Marjie Maddox, Clerk