Regular Meeting –April 5, 2011


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Bill Britton at 1602 hours.  Members present: Bill Britton, Mike William, George Owen and Dee Potter.  Member absent: Larry Helsley.  Others present: Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Engineer Larry Brown, Sleeper Ernie Curran, and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting March 2, 2010

B.      Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries MSC: Helsley/Owen to approve the consent agenda as presented.


Per Chairman Britton there is an item of immediate need that came to the board’s attention several days after the meeting agenda was posted from the Districts Workmen’s Comp Company.  Chairman Britton asked for a motion to add government code section 54956.9 potential litigation to the agenda.  MSC: Williams/Potter to add this government code section 54956.9 potential litigation to the agenda.


       III.               CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL ANTICIPATED LITIGATION significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of section 54956.9: (1 potential case) – entered into closed session at 1605 hours.


       IV.               REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION

(Government coder section 54957.1 (b)) – returned from closed session at 1626                  hours.  Chairman Britton reported the board met with legal counsel and direction was           given to staff.


         V.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.         Discuss/Approve – presentation of Ordinance #11-1 the 2010 California Fire Code with amendments – Chief Alvord gave a presentation on sprinkled building vs. non sprinkled buildings.  Chief Alvord discussed all of the amendments added to the 2010 California fire code.  There was discussion on differences in county ordinances and state fire code ordinances.  Trinity County adopted the new fire code without making amendments to it.  Chief Alvord reported that all new buildings are to be sprinkled per the new fire code, the only discussion will be if it should be applied to new mobile homes installed as well, and there was much discussion.  MSC: Owen/Williams to introduce ordinance 11-1 the 2010 California Fire Code with amendments, waive the reading of the ordinance.  Roll call vote: 4 ayes, 1 absent.


B.          Discuss/Approve – 2011 AFG grant, fire engine portion budgetary impact of approximately $15,000 – Chief Alvord reported this grant was applied for and denied the past 2 years, however we would like to continue to apply for this grant funding.  MSC:  Williams /Owen directed Chief Alvord to move forward with this grant for a new fire engine.


C.         Discuss/Approve – memorandum of agreement between Weaverville Fire District and the County of Trinity for cooperatively to install flashing warning beacons on SR 299 near Bremer Street – Chief Alvord reported that we have an agreement that meets our needs, we have an encroachment permit from Caltrans that is good forever, the contract holds us for normal maintenance, they will cover any accidents that might happen.  MSC: Owen/Williams authorize the Board Chairman to sigh the memorandum of agreement between Weaverville Fire District and the County of Trinity for cooperatively to install flashing warning beacons on SR 299 near Bremer Street.


D.         Discuss/Approve – Fire Chief / Marshal Contract – There was discussion regarding CTO, per Legal Counsel Hammer, employee labor code does not apply to management positions.  MSC: Williams/Owen to accept the contract striking the CTO section.



A.         Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan submitted a report updating the progress from the Hazard Reduction Program.  Chief Alvord reported that they came to an agreement on Mr. McMillan’s work hours and he will be staying to manage the program.

B.          Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord Report: Chief Alvord reported

Plan Checks – 4 were completed

Inspections – Trinity Lumber, sprinklers at the Mill, lot split at Airport Road

Misc – Senate bill 288 is in progress for special districts to have 110% of ½ of the annual adopted budget available in a separate account to pay bills quicker.  Chief Alvord attended a recruitment and retention seminar hosted by CSFA, he learned that we need to develop a retention and recruitment plan, he would like to expand the recruitment committee.  At the same meeting Quincy Fire Chief spoke about an OSHA investigation he handed out an e-mail with all the information OSHA required.

Sleeper Program Reports – New Sleeper Curran introduced himself, he reported that he cleaned the station, patched the roof, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned outside and the carpet in the sleepers room was replaced.

Department Report – Simulation training has been going well, S-130 is in progress, and $1,000 donation for first responder training is in progress from the Weaverville Hot Rodders Club to purchase books and certificates.  Small fire on Lowden Lane, Captain Hendricks did a great job.

C.         Committee Reports:

a.      Recruitment Committee – None

b.     Collections Committee – None

c.      Contract Committee – None

d.     Budget Committee – Will be meeting in May

D.         Directors Reports – Board thanked Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer for all of his support and help.  The Board discussed what they can do to honor Retired Fire Chief / Marshal Richard Smith.



V.              CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from LAFCO stating their budget will be 10% less than last years.

VII.     ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1848 hours.

Approved: May 3, 2011




______________________________                  _____________________________

         Bill Britton, Chairman                                                    Marjie Maddox, Clerk