Regular Meeting – June 5, 2012

           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Larry Helsley at 1603 hours.  Members present: George Owen, Bill Britton, Dee Potter, and Mike Williams.  Member absent: None.  Others present: Chief Alvord, David Hammer Legal Advisor, Patricia McColm, Sheila Brewer, and District Clerk Marjie Watkins.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting May 1, 2012

B.      Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries MSC: Britton/Owen to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss /Approve Review of response to hazardous reduction request by Patricia McColm – Chairman Larry Helsley briefly presented the documents presented to the board by Ms. McColm as well as copies of letters that had been sent to Ms. McColm by Chief Alvord.  Ms. McColm had requested service from the hazardous reduction program and was told that at this time the type of work she was requesting was not being done.  She requested the board reconsider the decision as she is unable to do the work herself and is unable to pay someone to do the work.  Board Member Mike Williams made a motion to consider the chief’s response as satisfactory and when other priorities are met Ms. McColm’s request for service will be considered.  MSC Williams/Owen.

1625 Hrs. The board went into a 5 minute recess.

1630 Board reconvened.

B.     Discuss/Approve – Hall Rental fee Waiver, Relay for Life Spaghetti Feed June 29th Fee Waiver for J-PAC Team – Chief Alvord explained the request for the waiver for the relay for life team.  Board Member Mike Williams made a motion to approve the waiver.  MSC Williams/Britton

C.    Discuss/Approve 1 claim to be written off – MSC: Potter/Owen to write off the claim.

D.    Discuss/Approve- Chief Alvord 1 year contract renewal.  The contract was reviewed; Board member Mike Williams made a motion to approve the renewal of his contract for one year.  MSC Williams/Potter

E.     Discuss/Approve – Budget to spend $10,000 donation – Chief Alvord explained the donation the district received.  The money has been deposited into our account with the county.  Chief Alvord prepared a list of equipment needed by the district that he wishes to purchase with the donation.  Board Member, Bill Britton made a motion to approve the request.  MSC Britton/Owen



A.         Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord reported that Firestorm will complete the numerous job-sites in the Ponderosa Pines area in Lewiston.  Because fire season is fast approaching starting May 15 we have been running our own hazard reduction crew to get as much hazard reduction done as possible.  The major Firestorm effort in June will be in the area of Two-Creeks Mobile Home Park and the Trinity Medical Group property as well as the hillside behind Barbara Avenue homes and Highland Snyder Foundation property.  The plan is to continue working as long as possible until fire season begins and pick up again in the fall.  

B.          Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:

         Mill Inspection - The chief conducted a fire inspection at the mill with the sprinkler company as well as the insurance company.  It was agreed the mill is doing a good job.

         Narrow Banding - The county communications has received bids for the narrow banding requirements upgrades; it looks like Valley Comm. was chosen for the job.  The dead line is October 2013 for the narrow banding to be complete.  A plan will be put together to get this done on time.  All repeaters need to be reprogrammed, some need to be replaced. 

         Pat Frost Retirement – Pat Frost is retiring, there will be a retirement party held in his honor on June 21 at 5:30 pm at the Young’s Ranch house.  Scott will be attending and will give a plaque to Pat for his work with RCD.  The retirement party is open to the public RSVP by June 21st. 

         Workability Program – Chief Alvord and District Clerk, Marjie Watkins will be meeting with Pat Powell in Friday at 8:30.  Three of our junior fire fighters qualify for the program.  They will be paid $8.00 per hour and will be able to work at the fire department; they will also receive school credits.

         Readiness Drill – Scheduled in Weaverville on June 16th and in Hayfork for June 17th. The last drill was lightly attended but good training for all that were there. 

         Chief Alvord also attended Show and Tell at the hospital with the helicopter, and the CHP.  There were about 40 students there. 

         Chief Alvord attended the strike team refresher class.  He advised that Cal EMA has been renamed the Office of Emergency Services. 

         Chief Alvord and District Clerk, Marjie Watkins have applied for the Start Farm Good Neighbor Grant that Board Member Mike Williams brought to our attention at the previous board meeting.

         Sleeper Report – Ernie is back to work with the Forest Service, he has been working on station maintenance when he can.

C.         Committee Reports:

a.      Recruitment Committee – None

b.     Collections Committee – Two claims will be going to small claims on June 11.

c.      Contract Committee – None

d.     Tuition Committee – None

e.      Budget Committee – A date will be set for the meeting this month.

D.         Directors Reports – Board Member George Owen reported that Engine 3 is running and ready for the parade.  Tom would like to drive it with Dick riding with him.  The last item is the lettering, Tom is looking into private donations for the lettering


            Patricia McColm requested a copy of the Hazardous Reduction report the chief read from Mike McMillan. She started to ask the board a question and was advised by Legal Council, David Hammer that in the Public Comments section she cannot ask questions.  She made a comment that she hopes the board will look into the procedures Mike McMillan is using to select who receives the Hazardous Reduction services. 



V.              CORRESPONDENCE: None


VII.     ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1703 hours.




______________________________                  _____________________________

    George Owen, Co-Chairman                               Sheila Brewer, Clerk