With my host family,
November 2003. Left to right: Siti, Waisele, Lanieta, Nina.
My travels blog...
Stories of Fiji
and aftermath...
Earlier photos:
- Bose ni Yasana, Apr05...
- Cleaning up Korolevu-i-Wai,
- New Zealand, March05...
- Building a Compost Toilet, Sept-Nov04...
- Komave Day, 29Oct04...
- Kadavu, Aug04...
- Funeral, Nasama, 23Jul04...
- Korieqo, 14Jul04...
- Funeral, Namada, 2Jul04...
- Dreki Koro, 25Jun04...
- Sigatoka Fire Station...
- Kulu Eco-Park, 29May04...
- Vatulele, 22May04...
- Vatulele, 21May04...
- Vatulele, 20May04...
- Vatulele, 19May04...
- Vatulele, 18May04...
- Jeff Surfin', 16May04...
Farther back, starting with our
arrival in September 2003...
Peace Corps
requires a disclaimer: “The contents of this Web site are mine personally
and do not reflect any position of the U.S. Government or the Peace Corps.”
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