Apr 6, 1960
Dinner Committee--Joe Toy, Harold Underwood, Pete Van Matre, Kelso Young.
Dick Berrien has volunteered to take charge of the training program.
As we go to press, if our memory is correct, we have had one fire call, a USFS cabin. Estimated damage $800, and $200 personal damage to contents.
Looks as if we have another house or two to burn. Only trouble is Bent can't be here till the week of May 30. Things will probably be too dry if we wait that long. If we have the second house to dispose of, it is quite a bit smaller and we might get by okay on it.
We received an invitation from Chief Bill Whitt to take our hand pumper to Red Bluff Sunday, May 1; the occcasion is the William B. Ide Adobe Dedication. They are trying to get another hand pumper so we can stage a pumping contest.
There is no doubt but what all who attended the celebration in Orland had a wonderful time. The Orland Volunteer Fire Department did a wonderful job of feeding and entertaining the visiting firemen and their families. Thanks, Orland.
Fire inspections are important. If all we learn is the location of the access to thee attic, in case of fire it saves time and property.
Household Safety Tips to Smokers: ... The National Board of Fire Underwriters suggests that you keep plenty of ash trays in every room where occupants or guests smoke. And be sure to empty them frequently. Keep matches in safe containers and out of the reach of children. Remember that every fourth fire in the United States is caused by matches-smoking. P.S.--Never, never smoke in bed. The ashes you leave may be your own.
- Harold Underwood was judge of the Superior Court for many years.
- Pete Van Matre ...
- Dick Berrien, a Volunteer Chief in later years, is of course still WFD's active historian.