June 1, 1960
Dinner Committee, Ed Baxter, Dick Berrien, Mel Berrien, Jim Blaney, and Carwin Brice.
Last week the Fire Service of Trinity County decided that the "Stud Duck" or coordinator in the event of the multiple fires would be the Ranger of the Weaverville District, alternate--Ranger of the Trinity Lakes District.
Those who took the trip with our handpumper to Angels Camp were Hal and Dorothy Goodyear, Dick Berrien, Jim Grigsby, Ken Loomis, Howard Lovely, Bob and Agnes Marshall, Brad Miller, Tom Adams, Lyle Taylor, Dick Armstrong, Carwin Brice, Mel and Lee Dale, George Files, Virg and Peggy Mortensen, Rex and Mrs. Riley. They reported having a wonderful time. San Andreas won the pumping by two feet. Our boys did win a very nice trophy. The San Andreas Fire Department gave them a frog which they entered in the jumping contest. The frog qualified Saturday and jumped Sunday but was short.
Here is the latest information on the Training Program. Tuesday, May 31, Wednesday, June 1, Thursday, June 2, at Hayfork. Friday, June 3, at Weaverville and we will burn the building then. The course given is Fire Strategy. Ed Bent would like all of our members who have not taken the course to attend the three classes in Hayfork. There has been no date set for our training here in Weaverville. Let's have a good showing in Hayfork.
Fire and Arson Annual Investigation Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, June 13--17. There is still time to make it if interested.
Ed Bent looked the old house over and thinks we will be able to get 6 or 8 burns out of it; but we must close up all the openings and there might be enough old boards there to do the job.
John Brown is coming along nicely; he is becoming more active and is putting more weight on his leg as time goes on.
Haven't had too much information from Dick about the Instructors Training, but he sure gave us a good report on Tom's new secretary.