Apr 1, 1970
Refreshment Committee: Bob Erickson, George Files, Hal Goodyear, Jim Garbe, Jim Grigsby.
Wayne Dennis, through the courtesy of Western Fire Equipment Co. will loan us all of the fog nozzles we need for our fire school June 12 and 13.
The Trinity High School fire drill emptied thee entire building in 60 seconds, and the only one of the staff that knew it was coming was the principal Sal.
Much has been said about firemen wearing beards and other facial adornments. The IAFC has a good guide to follow, which is:
1. Full beard--untrimmed: Dangerous to life as it is practically impossible to obtain a good face mask seal.
2. Closely trimmed beard: Can use a face mask if the beard is first generously smeared with petroleum jelly. This will maintain the seal. However, this is hardly practical for fire fighters who may not be able to obtain the required quantity of petroleum jelly at the fire scene. In addition, petroleum products tend to attack rubber and in the long run can lead to face piece deterioration.
3. Goatee or trimmed mustache: Generally no problem as either will fit entirely within the mask. Those projecting beyond the face seal should be forbidden.
In summation, the best advice to fire fighters is a clean shaven face. Why gamble for the sake of vanity or pride? Your own life may be at stake.
If we are not mistaken we have earned a safety award which will be presented to the department this evening. Congratulations, let's get more of them.
The drill March 18 was a very successful one. There was a very good turn out. The boys took their re-arranged crews and engines and had some very educational drills. Too bad some of you missed.
Don't forget the gas and oil fire school June 13 and 14. State certificates will be issued to those completing the training.