May 6, 1970
Refreshment Committee: Jerry Hanlon, ecil Hiett, Horace Jones, Jim Johnson, Tom Kelly.
Last meeting we were presented a safety award by the State Compensation Insurance Fund for having 3 years without a loss time accident.
The information given on Tips for Baby Sitters, put on by the Sirens and Firemen for the Elementary School and High School was very well received and very well presented.
Time is getting short. June 12 and 13 will be here before we know it. There is a little work to be done at the training area. We hate to ask but it won't take much to put the area in order.
Fire Marshal Ross Turner is in Fresno attending classes this week. Dick Berrien will be in charge of training this evening.
So far the following departments have indicated they will be represented at the gas and oil fire school. Manteca 5, Santa Clara 12, CDF (Jone) 10, USFS Salyer 5, Western Fire Equipment 4, Fairfield 3, Carson City 6, Larkspur 2, Fairhaven 4, Willows (no number indicated), Santa Barbara 3, Sonoma no number, and Springlake Fire District near Woodland.
Would drivers of 121 and 15 please log runs, mileage, services etc in the log book as requested by the California Disaster Office, PLEASE.
Drill for May 6 - 2 films. Talk by CDF Ranger. Preplan hose and truck layout for "C" fire at Nazarene Church building.
Initial attack on:
"A" Fire - booster lines, back up 1-1/2" lines.
"B" Fire - 1-1/2" lines, back up 2-1/2" lines.
"C" Fire - 2-1/2" lines, monitor, etc.
Don't forget the gas and oil fire school June 12 and 13.
Our fire commissioners have authorized the purchase of a 4,000 gallon tank with stand and it is expected to be here within a week. Our fuel storage problem is solved.
- '121' was a state-supplied engine used on mutual aid all over the state. Likewise, '15' was a state-supplied 1950s-era big Reo step-van for heavy rescue.