Weaverville Fire Department Support Services

Agenda, Meeting October 7, 2015 5:00 p.m.

125 Bremer Street


                 Call to Order/Introductions:


                 Approve Minutes of September 2, 2015:


                 Officer Reports:

A. President: (Lisa)

B. Treasurer: (Terri)

C. Logistics: (Shellie)


                 Action Items:

A.  Fire Prevention Week (Scott)

B.  Thanksgiving Dinner (Shellie)

C.   Discuss/Approve combining Support Services w/ WFD Assoc. Meeting (Lisa)


·            Committee Reports:

A.  EMS Support: (Serena)

B.  Station Maintenance: (Tania)

C.  Equipment Maintenance: (Herk)

D.  Web Technology: (Mike)

E.  Marketing: (Betty)


                 Open Forum and Topics for Next Meeting: 

