I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Steve Howard at 1701 hours. Members present: Steve Howard, Bill Britton George Owen and Mike Williams. Member absent: Larry Helsley. Others present: Chief Smith, Assistant Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Darwin Edge, Sleeper Mike McMillian and Clerk Marjie Maddox.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting March 6, 2010 and Minutes of April 1, 2010 –
B. Approve Warrant List, Journal Entries and Budget Transfers – MSC: Owen/Britton to approve consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve Revised Equipment List for the New Rescue 2151 - Assistant Chief Alvord reported the list is complete for must need items, he would like to still paint the box, he also ordered a sticker for the side of the rescue that says “this vehicle is proudly operated by Volunteers”.
B. Discuss/Approve Sealed Bid, 1992 Ford Rescue Chassis – 4 sealed bids were submitted, the highest being in the amount of $3,876.00 from Alps Lock and Key. MSC: Williams/Owen to accept the highest bid from Alps Lock and Key. Amend MSC: Williams/Owen if the highest bidder does not comply with the requests, the Clerk is authorized to notify the second highest bidder.
C. Discuss/Amend Disciplinary Policy # 1-03 – This item is tabled until the next Regular Meeting.
D. Discuss/Approve Hydrant Variance for New Building on 140 Brickworks Lane – Assistant Chief Alvord reported he has discussed the building plans with Mr. Vandenover from WCSD. WCSD will eventually upgrade to a tank in that area, but not in the near future. Mr. Edge is asking for a hydrant variance due to the fact that the hydrant flow does not meet 1,000 gpm. It was discussed that a 2500 gallon tank will be appropriate in this building situation. MSC: Britton/Williams to approve the hydrant variance with a 2500 gallon tank to be used.
E. Discuss/Approve Change in Annual Audit Company – Clerk Maddox reported that 2 other bids were received for the annual audit, one was for $10,000, and the other was for $4,000. MSC: Williams/Britton to accept annual audit proposal submitted from Matson & Isom pending a positive outcome from reference checks.
F. Discuss/Approve FF Edwards use of 2103 on April 17, 2010 to attend Confined Space Training in Redding – This Action Item was removed from the Agenda.
A. Hazardous Reduction Report – Mr. McMillan reported the crew has been working for 1 ˝ months now, 17 sites have been completed, 7 sites are waiting to be completed, 3 sites are waiting for the chipper, 7 sites are waiting on burn permits, 4 sites are in Misc status. 38 jobs have been completed so far.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Assistant Chief Alvord reported the following:
Meetings: TCCA meeting, Nor-Cal EMS is having problems, some counties are considering pulling out of their program. Communications Committee, by the end of 2013 the County may be switching to narrow band, there may be some issues with the pagers, the TCCA has a committee working on it. Conference Meeting with Rancho Santa Fe regarding their banking operations, they started their process of banking in the late 90’s, they are a special district like us and bank through their County, they opened accounts for bills and payroll, they deposit the amount of their bills and payroll into seperate accounts every month to replace money spend, they have offered any advise to help us, if we choose to take on this route of banking.
Training: BLM training for the 2 weekends here went well; Kathy Ratliff is working on an EVOC training to be in May. Training will be included with the purchase of the Hurst Tool. Captain Lancaster has been doing Monday night training for juniors and it has become a Probationary Training night, he has been doing an excellent job.
Misc: Assistant Chief Alvord rejected the lighting contract with the County, it went back to the County for changes, and we have not seen it since.
C. Fire Department Report: Assistant Chief Alvord has been working with the Mill on plans for their re-build, and notice of comply for the insurance company.
D. Sleeper Program Report: Chairman Howard reported that station two looks nice, FF Heryford has replaced fencing, and added green slating for a privacy fence.
E. Committee Reports-
Background Check Committee – There was discussion regarding background checks, everyone must be checked the same way. Ask on the application if they have ever been convicted of any crime other than a traffic violation. Chairman Howard and Mr. Williams will work on a letter to send out to references for a background check.
Recruitment Committee – None
Collections Committee – None
Contract Committee - None
Negotiation Committee – None
F. Director Reports – Mr. Williams reported the Rotary Smoke Detector program will be on April 24th. Mr. Hammer suggested that a letter should be drafted authorizing the smoke detectors to be checked. Chairman Howard welcomed back Chief Smith, we all missed him in his absence. Chairman Howard presented Assistant Chief Alvord with a picture and certificate for all of his hard work this past year.
V. CORRESPONDENCE: - A letter was received from Trinity County LAFCO stating that they will be approving their budget in May for the same $14,000 as last year. A letter was received from Banana Belt offering free services to the Fire Department for the following year.
VI. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1837 hours. MSC: Howard/Britton.
Approved: May 4, 2010
______________________________ _____________________________
Steve Howard, Chairman Marjie Maddox, Clerk