Regular Meeting –May 4, 2010


            I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Steve Howard at 1700 hours.  Members present: Steve Howard, Bill Britton George Owen, Larry Helsley and Mike Williams.  Member absent: None.  Others present: Chief Smith, Assistant Chief Alvord, Captain Todd Corbett, Sleeper Mike McMillan, Sleeper Keith Heryford and Clerk Marjie Maddox and Samantha Chavez.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting April 6, 2010 -

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries MSC: Britton/Owen to accept the consent agenda as presented.


       III.               CLOSED SESSION:

A.         (Government code section 54957: Public Employment)

Title: Hazardous Reduction Administrative Coordinator – Employment Agreement between Todd Corbett and the Weaverville Fire Protection – Chairman Howard opened the floor to public comments.  Assistant Chief Alvord reported that Mike McMillan will be leaving for the summer and will not be available to complete this program.  It was initially suggested for Captain Corbett to take over the program for the summer, but unfortunately he will not be able to participate in the program during the summer.  The idea is to employ unemployed volunteers, and to get training for their Probationary Firefighter packets.  He stated that he has identified 4 Volunteers that would be good for an internship program. 


Into closed session at 1716 hours


       IV.               REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION: (Government code section 54957.1 (b)) – Entered back into closed session at 1725 hours.  Chairman Howard reported they discussed a personnel matter in closed session and no action was taken.   


Chairman Howard reported that prior to closed session, Assistant Chief Alvord made a presentation for a summer program, the board would like to report they conceptually support the idea, they request for Assistant Chief Alvord to come back in June to present an action plan for the project.


        V.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.         Discuss/Approve Christina Johnson from Wild Mountain Herbs Kitchen Rental Fee Waiver - Remove from Action Items.

B.       Discuss/Approve Paint Box on New Rescue-2151; Fiscal Impact of $1,000 – Assistant Chief Alvord reported there are spots on the box where paint is missing from the box. The cost will be for supplies only, a painter will donate his time and with the right help he will be able to complete the job in a weekend.  This item has not been placed in the New Rescue budget.  MSC: Owen/Williams to approve $ 1,000 for the paint job supplies.

C.       Discuss/Amend Disciplinary Policy # 1-03 – Chairman Howard reported Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer has worked on this Policy and has approved it.  There was discussion regarding Notice of Intent to Impose Discipline, and the old policy verses the new policy.  MSC: Britton/Helsley move to accept the policy as presented. 

D.       Discuss/Approve Surplus of Old Hurst Tool to Down River Fire Department – Assistant Chief Alvord reported, the set we are discussing for surplus in the old Lucas which is currently on E-2111, the set on the Rescue will be put on E-2111 and the new set will be put on the new Rescue.  We currently have no way to use the oldest set, unless we purchase a regulator.  Chief Dooley expressed interest in the set; he has the equipment that is compatible with it.  There was discussion that Down River currently has a set, it is suggested to see if any other Fire Department in the County is without a Hurst Tool, before it is given to Down River Fire. This Action Item is tabled until the next Regular Scheduled Meeting to discuss at the TCCA Meeting and offer to any needy department. 

E.         Discuss/Approve Changing the Regular Meeting Date to the First Tuesday of Each Month – MSC: Helsley/Britton to change the Regular Meeting date to the first Tuesday of each month.

F.          Discuss/Approve Annual Audit Contract with Matson & Isom - MAC: Britton/Helsley to approve the annual audit contract contingent on Legal Advisor Hammer’s approval of the contract.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Report – Mr. McMillan reported they are now in phase 2, 58 customers have had some work completed and there is still plenty of work to be done.  Firestorm identified last week that they will be having a late fire season; they proposed to put on a 20 man crew.  This would change the way the program is being run at this time, they will look into all of the options and see what will work best for the summer.

B.    Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Chief Smith reported on he following:

Inspections: Met with Ken Dunn at the Mill and discussed hydrant and fire connection placement, Safety Inspection at 250 Main Street, Hydrant placement on South Main and Ponderosa, Met with Ken Dunn form the Mill again regarding hydrant placement.

Plan Checks: New Residential building on Browns Ranch Road, Carport on Glen Road.

Vehicles: Warning strobe lights were installed on R-2151, E-2111, E-2112 and E-2131.  U-2161 has a tire repaired, and tires were rotated.

Meetings: Met with Chief Kerwick, discussed a mutual aid agreement, they will bring back an idea from their board at a later date.  Several background check meetings.  Met with Kathy Ratliff regarding the Homland Security Grant.  Met with Mr. Forslund regarding the contract between us and the County about the Warning Beacon System, and meetings regarding the Firestorm project.

Misc: Fire Department Report: A letter has been written to Darwin Edge regarding our last meeting, 5 of our Volunteers did a great job for a kindergarten tour last week, 6 Volunteers passed the FRO Class in Hayfork this month.  USFS donated 1.5 inch double jacket hose and Chief Smith spoke with Mr. Murphy regarding class B license testing. 

Assistant Chief Alvord reported the Hurst tool will be arriving soon, part of the purchase agreement included training and tool demo.  He requested to have a picture taken with the Volunteers and Board with the new Hurst Tool to put in the Trinity Journal.  EVOC class will be held towards the end of June.  Jack Knight will be putting together an S-215 class which will help our Volunteers with their Engine Boss.  The Association is doing their Mothers Day Brigade again this year: if anyone is interested now is the time to order.

C.    Sleeper Program Report: Sleeper McMillan reported, there is nothing new to report. 

D.    Committee Reports-

Background Check Committee – Chairman Williams reported, Legal Advisor David Hammer has approved the documents and process.  After discussion, the board supports the new application process.

Recruitment Committee – None

Collections Committee – None

Contract Committee - None

Negotiation Committee – None

E.     Director Reports – None


  VII.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: - None

VIII.               CORRESPONDENCE: - None

     IX.               ADJURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1825 hours. 


Approved:  June 1, 2010




______________________________                  _____________________________

         Bill Britton,Vice Chairman                                                 Marjie Maddox, Clerk