I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Bill Britton at 1600 hours. Members present: Bill Britton Larry Helsley, Mike William, George Owen and Dee Potter. Member absent: None. Others present: Chief Alvord, Hazardous Reduction Coordinator Mike McMillan. Sleeper Ernie Curran and Clerk Marjie Maddox.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting April 2, 2010
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries– MSC: Williams/Owen to approve the consent agenda as presented.
III. PUBLIC HEARING: ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 11-1 THE 2010 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE WITH AMENDMENTS – Open for public comments at 1604 hours, no public comments, closed public comments at 1604 hours. Chief Alvord reported he received one public comment from David Vandenover on section 506 regarding MSD key boxes on buildings. There was discussion regarding the definition of a building and sprinkling old vs. new mobile homes. MSC: Helsley/Williams to adopt the 2010 California Fire Code with amendments, roll call vote, Chairman Bill Britton Aye, Vice Chairman Larry Helsley Aye, Commissioner Owen Aye, Commissioner Potter Aye and Commissioner Williams Aye.
A. Discuss/Approve – new transmission for C-2101, budgetary impact of $2,057 - $2,653 - Chief Alvord reported the transmission in C-2101 needs to be replaced, the estimate was received at $1,964.34 to rebuild the existing transmission with a one year warranty. MSC: Owen/Helsley to approve the expenditure to repair the existing transmission.
B. Discuss/Approve – opposition of Senate bill 49, hindering fire departments from recouping fair and justifiable costs of providing certain types of emergency services - Chief Alvord spoke encouraging the opposition of Senate Bill 49. It was suggested to also send a letter to Senator LaMalfa. MSC: Helsley/Owen to send a letter to Senators Hancock and LaMalfa in opposition of Senate Bill 49. There was discussion of trying to get other agencies on board to also send letters and contacting our Board Supervisor.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan reported 75 cases have been started, 15 had no need for the program, 5 new sites, 11 sites are ready go, or are being worked on now, 44 sites have been completed. Everyone is happy with Firestorms work, PG&E will be looking into possible cleaning their 5 acre lot at the end of Mountain View. Chairman Britton reported Trinity County has passed an ordinance forcing vacant lot owners to clean them up. The other big projects are the Moon Lee property off Oregon Street and Ten Cent Gulch off of Kelso Drive. In addition to hazard reduction that Firestorm has been doing, they are also de-rooting the invasive scotch broom. Chairman Britton requested that the Trinity Journal be informed when the project is done for an article in the paper.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:
Plan Checks – comments were given for a garage on Martin Road to be changed into a church.
Vehicles – E-2131 had a bad wench cable. C-2103 light switch went out and both were replaced by Sleeper Curran.
Inspections – Mill walk through, 14 volunteers attended.
Training – RT-130 is complete, inter agency field exercise June 11th, 18 books have been purchased for $160, and certificates are $35 per person for first responder’s with the Weaver City Hot Roders Donation everyone who needs to be certified will be. A press release for the donation is planned for the last day of class.
Misc – Chief Alvord thanked everyone who helped with Richards’s retirement party. Captain Lancaster has retired from the Fire Department. Senate bill 726 for California to opt out of sprinkling new buildings was killed. Assembly bill 1245 for emergency responders to have EMT background checks was killed. Senate bill 288 will allow 1/10 of the yearly budget to be put in a separate account to pay bills, is moving forward. Water tanks for the DRI grant was not approved, the Board of Supervisors want to concentrate on hazard reduction areas that were affected by wildland fire. Chief Alvord declined the offer to open our hazard reduction program to a larger area. The Board of Supervisors will offer T.C.R.C.D. Pat Frost the funding. The State made a ruling that a County can only have one EMS authority; this is being discussed at the Trinity County Fire Chiefs Meetings. The community wildland fire protection plan was signed at the Trinity County Fire Chiefs Meeting. FEMA grant was approved for 11 full sets of structure turn outs, with changing the lining in the turnouts; we will be able to outfit all the volunteers with 13 additional helmets. There was discussion regarding the background check policy, there is no fingerprinting policy, there was discussion on discretionary background checks, Chief Alvord will check with Legal Advisor Hammer.
Sleeper Program Reports – Sleeper Curran reported the inmates did a wonderful job cleaning the station for Richards Retirement party, the lock on the back door was fixed, there were a few kids in the back one day, but no damage was reported. Engines 2111, 2131 and WT-32 were all washed and waxed.
Department Report – Remove from the agenda.
C. Committee Reports:
a. Recruitment Committee – 1 more application was received.
b. Collections Committee – Received our first DUI restitution payment.
c. Contract Committee – None
d. Budget Committee – Will be meeting in May
D. Directors Reports – Mr. Helsley reported Mr. Palmer will be retiring this July and letter will be appropriate. Chairman Britton thanked Chief Alvord for all of his help with Richard’s retirement party.
V. CORRESPONDENCE: Chef Alvord reported letter was received from a former Volunteer Robert Newman, Mr. Newman re-applied and was turned down, the group was not interested in having him back, he waited and re-applied and the group turned him down a second time. Mr. Newman’s letter was dropped off this morning and was not added to the agenda for discussion due to lack of time. Chief Alvord reported through a conversation with Mr. Juegel it was reported a local advisory group is looking to pair local contractors up with Fire Departments to get on their AOP to get into the ROS for fire season. They are hoping for next year’s fire season, right now it is just conversational.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1712 hours.
Approved: June 7, 2011
______________________________ _____________________________
Bill Britton, Chairman Marjie Maddox, Clerk