I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Vice Chairman Bill Britton at 1700 hours. Members present: Bill Britton, George Owen, Larry Helsley and Mike Williams. Member absent: Steve Howard. Others present: Chief Smith, Assistant Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Engineer Hendricks, Firefighter Shortt, Sleeper Mike McMillian and Clerk Marjie Maddox.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting May 4, 2010 -
B. Approve Warrant List, Journal Entries and Budget Transfers – MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve consent agenda as presented.
(Government code section 54957 Public Employee Performance Evaluation) -
A. Title: Firefighter Elaina Shortt – No public comments were made, entered into closed session at 1703 hours.
IV. REPORT OF CLOSED SESSION (Government code section 54957.1 (b)) – Returned into open session at 1710 hours. No action taken during closed session.
A. Discuss/Approve surplus of Old Hurst Tool to Down River Fire Department – Assistant Chief Alvord reported he has spoken with Post Mountain and Hyampon Fire; neither of them are in need of the Hurst tool equipment. Chief Dooly of Down River Fire has the ability to use the tool, and he has the air bottles that go with this equipment. It was recommended to surplus this equipment to Down River Fire due to no other Department showing a need for the equipment. MSC: Helsley/Owen to surplus the old Hurst Tool to Down River Fire.
B. Discuss/Approve Resolution No. 10-1, Incorporated resolution authorizing application of federal excess personal property in accordance with title IV, Rural Development Act of 1972 (PL 92-419) – Chief Smith reported that this resolution came from Battalion Chief Andy Reiling, it is an annual authorization in the case that Cal-Fire surplus items that we want. MSC: Helsley/Williams to approve Resolution 10-1, roll call vote, 4 ayes, 1 absent.
C. Discuss/Approve Trinity County Chamber of Commerce Annual Fireworks fee waiver for 4th of July Festival – MSC: Helsley/Williams to waive fees for the Trinity County Chamber of Commerce Annual Fire Works show.
D. Discuss/Approve Surplus of old Communications Equipment – Clerk Mrs. Maddox reported, this list of unused equipment has been in a room upstairs for several years, this equipment will definitely not be used once we switch to narrow band. Chief Smith reported this equipment was surplused to Trinity County Fire Departments several years ago and has never been used. Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer advised the Board, it is ok to surplus the equipment to another Department/Agency that has a similar mission statement, if we decide to dispose of them in any other manner, we must assign a value to them and dispose them in a reasonably economic manner that will benefit the District, we must dispose of them at market value. It is ok to get an estimate from John Hall as an advisor on the price of the equipment. Msc: Owen/Williams to declare these items surplus.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan submitted a written report to the board, including an action plan for the summer program; firestorm will continue to work when staff and projects are available.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Smith reported on the following:
Inspections – Trinity Theatre re-inspection, Trinity Lumber Mill hydrant pressure test.
Plan Reviews – Garage on Mountain View Road.
Hydrants – Whispering Pines Mobile Park hydrant test, Two Creeks Mobile Park hydrant test, and hydrant test for possible subdivision up off of Liberty Lane.
Vehicles – E-2111 was involved in a minor accident while delivering flowers on Mothers Day. Our insurance has been notified.
B- 2103 was acting up, it was taken to Main Street and was given a complete service, and they found that an oil pressure sending unit had gone badly. Mechanic Fred Maddox said that he will be able to get the annual services done on the engines and water tender by the end of this month. Firefighter McMillan has an appointment for his Class B License; they will be dropping off B-2103 on the same trip to have a re-call completed.
E-2112 has had a battery replaced.
Station One – Shasta Cascade was given a tour of our station. We still have not received an application for our Sleeper position.
OES – Region III conference call regarding resources for this up coming fire season, we were ordered to remove the storage box from WT-32 and were told to read our AOP with the USFS closely this year. OES spring meeting in Redding, USFS AOP’s were discussed.
Meetings – Meeting with Chairman Howard and Firefighter Shortt regarding a training program. Homeland security grant meeting, they will ask for pagers that are narrow band compatible. Lloyd Green from NCAQMD regarding an illegal burn pile, our fines has been submitted for North Coast to collect for us. Doug Winham and Bill Britton regarding USFS AOP, Chief Smith asked for the Board direction on signing our USFS AOP, it was discussed and the Board decided to wait for the TCCA to discuss the contract and we will revisit it at the next regular meeting.
Misc – The hurt tool has arrived; Jim Berry of the Vehicle Abatement program is still working on removing the vehicles off of five cent gulch on the oil fire school property. Contacted Amy from the Trinity Journal to come down and meet with the key players for the warning light. The department is down one Captain and one Probationary Firefighter due to injuries, one Probationary Firefighter due to maternity leave and one Firefighter that has asked for a leave of absence. One Captain is in Alaska for work and one Captain is going on vacation for a month.
C. Assistant Fire Chief Report: Assistant Chief Alvord reported there have been 2 auto extrication classes taught this month. Firefighter Edwards is off of Probationary status. Firefighters Curran and McBrayer have graduated fire academy and are now working full time with the USFS. EVOC class will be held at THS at the end of this month, a FRO class is scheduled for the same weekend here. June 12 will be the Hurst Tool class starting at 0900 here and moving to the oil fire school later in the day for a demonstration. Assistant Chief Alvord invited the Board to go outside at this time and take a picture with the new Hurst Tool for an article in the Trinity Journal.
1800 hours the Board broke to take a picture of the Hurst Tool.
1807 hours the Board entered back into their Regular Meeting.
D. Sleeper Program Reports: Sleeper McMillan gave a written report that he will be here as sleeper until June 12th and one day a week after that until the position is filled. He has posted this opening on our website, and noted that Firefighter Edwards is doing an excellent job of caring for the engines and equipment.
E. Committee Reports
a. Background Check Committee – Remove from the Agenda
b. Recruitment Committee – Chief Smith reported that we are up to 31 volunteers, recruitment is good.
c. Collections Committee - None
d. Contract Committee – Chief Smith reported the contract for the warning beacon has been waiting for Mr. Forslund to sign for several weeks.
e. Budget Committee – Mr. Helsley reported that the committee met on May 27th, we are still waiting on our final reports from the Auditors Office to get our final numbers, and we should have those reports by mid July.
f. Director Reports: None
AND FIRE CHIEF AUTHORITY AND DUTIES: Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer gave his presentation on the duties of the Board of Directors and the duties of the Fire Chief. Mr. Hammer answered questions that the Board had. Vice Chairman Britton thanked Mr. Hammer for his presentation.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1835 hours.
Approved: July 6, 2010
______________________________ _____________________________
Bill Britton, Vice Chairman Marjie Maddox, Clerk