Regular Meeting – June 7, 2011


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Bill Britton at 1600 hours.  Members present: Bill Britton Larry Helsley, Mike William, George Owen and Dee Potter.  Member absent: None.  Others present: Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Hazardous Reduction Coordinator Mike McMillan, Engineer Gus Kormeier Sleeper Keith Heryford and Clerk Marjie Maddox.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting May 3, 2010

B.      Approve Warrant List, Journal Entries and Budget Transfer MSC: Helsley/Williams to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.               CLOSED SESSION: (Section 54957.6) – CONFRENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR – Designated Representative Chairman Britton – Chairman Britton stated the closed session item, there were no public comments, entered into closed session at 1603 hours.


       IV.               REPORT FROM CLOSED SESSION: (54957.1) – Entered back into open session at 1627 hours.  Chairman Britton reported he has been authorized by the board to negotiate a contract for the new fiscal year.


         V.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.         Discuss/Approve – surplus of 30 structure helmets – Chief Alvord reported that through the FEMA grant we received 11 new structure helmets, we were able to purchase 15 additional helmets, and we are now able to outfit every volunteer with the exception of 1, with a new helmet.  NFPA calls for replacing helmets every 5 years, we consider them good as long as they are serviceable.  Chief Alvord reports that 30 are unserviceable, 12 are in good enough vintage shape to keep for training and backups.  Legal Advisor David Hammer advised the board on declaring items surplus.  Chief Alvord recommends since the helmets do not have a value and they have the potential of not being able to protect someone, we should dispose of the 30 unserviceable helmets.  MSC: Williams/Owen dispose of the 30 structure helmets as recommended by Chief Alvord, as they have no value, they are declared surplus.



A.         Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan reported the Firestorm crew is off to the fire in Arizona for the next 2 weeks.  Projects that are finished are 10 Cent Gulch, below Sam Lee Drive off Oregon Street.  PG&E stated they will clean around their sub station, but has not done it yet.  New projects are a field of Manzanita in Lewiston on BLM property, a property on Bennett Street.  The Firestorm crew will lean more towards weed eating projects as the summer approaches and they are unable to burn.  We have a new display board to place around town to show off the project.

B.          Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:

Plan Checks – Mill line sorter.

Inspections – Safety inspection at the Golden Age Center, Mill hydro test for the break room and Hyland Art Center for a fire this summer for a Native American dance. 

Training – 20 county volunteers including 11 of our volunteers have committed and are almost done with a first responder course covered by a donation from the Weaverville Hot Rodders Club.  Readiness Drill for June 11th is in the planning stages, it will be a simulated wildland fire with a fire camp.  June 15 at training night there will be the annual driving course that is required to be completed annually. 

Misc – we have new recruitment and hazard reduction boards to display around town.  The hospital had a summer safety community meeting here.  The Department has created individual committees for the 4th of July festivities, the Fire Museum is scheduled to be open after the parade and they plan on pumping the hand card again this year.

Calls – Center Street fire, fatality vehicle accident on Oregon Street and a few days last month we had up to 6 calls in one day.  We have received the structure grant equipment minus the turnouts; we are working on inventory control.  New Firefighter boot camp challenge we need 10 volunteers to have the challenge right now 6 have signed up.  We had one member Gabby Noland resign due to moving out of the area, one member Tim Wenzel asked to become an honorary member.  The County received the $50,000 grant to purchase new pagers for Trinity County Fire Departments, the money will be available July first, and hopefully the pagers will be picked out and ordered by August first. 

Sleeper Program Reports – Sleeper Heryford reported they have been working on Engine 3 to get it ready for Hal Goodyear.  The latrine in the engine bay has a leak and he is in the process of repairing it, he has a tank out to help get the hand pump ready for the 4th of July.  Sleeper Curran took an assignment on the USFS hand crew and will be gone for a couple of weeks.

C.         Committee Reports:

a.      Recruitment Committee – None

b.     Collections Committee – There have been some challenges collecting billing information from other companies, we are looking into different avenues of collecting billing information.

c.      Contract Committee – Chief Alvord signed the operating contracts with Cal-Fire and USFS.

d.     Budget Committee – Mr. Helsley reported the budget committee has met and has a preliminary budget; we are waiting on the final reports from the County to finalize the budget.  A preliminary budget will be presented to the board next month and the final budget should be ready for approval at August’s Regular meeting.

D.         Directors Reports – Mr. Helsley requested permission from the board to check prices on surplus USFS vehicles for replacing the duty vehicle.  Mr. Owen reported Engine 3 is looking and running good, Mr. Goodyear has requested a ride on it, and if all goes well, he might be able to ride it at the 4th of July parade and publication arrangements have been made.  There was discussion about hydrant maintenance, Main Street hydrants will be completed by the parade.



V.              CORRESPONDENCE: Grant Jury sent a letter stating reports must be completed in a timely fashion or penal code violations may occur.  Chief Alvord sent a donation thank you letter to Ralph Wheeler from Dave’s Small engine for fixing our float-o-pump at no charge.

VII.     ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1712 hours.


Approved: July 5, 2011




______________________________                  _____________________________

         Bill Britton, Chairman                                                    Marjie Watkins, Clerk