I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Vice-Chairman Bill Britton at 1700 hours. Members present: Bill Britton, George Owen and Larry Helsley. Member absent: Steve Howard and Mike Williams. Others present: Chief Smith, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Hazard Reduction Coordinator Mike McMillan, Sleeper Keith Heryford and Clerk Marjie Maddox.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting July 6, 2010 -
B. Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries– MSC: Helsley/Owen to approve consent agenda as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve Policy 10-1 Assigning Board Chairperson as Fire Chief/Marshal’s Direct Supervisor – Vice Chair Britton reported this item was discussed at the last regular meeting MSC: Helsley/Owen to approve Policy 10-1 as presented.
B. Discuss/Approve Resolution 10-2 Approving 50/50 grant with the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection – Vice Chair Britton reported this grant is 50/50 for 9 sets of wildland PPE; our share will be $2,677. MSC: Owen/Helsley to approve Resolution 10-2 as presented. Roll Call Vote Britton, Helsley and Owen Ayes, Howard and Williams absent.
C. Discuss/Approve 2010 Local Agency Biennial Notice to make changes to the Conflict of Interest Code – Clerk Maddox reported this is a notice to check if any job descriptions have changed. MSC: Helsley/Owen to notify the Trinity County Board of Supervisors no changes has been made.
D. Discuss/Approve Fee Waiver for the Mill, new building plans – Chief Smith reported Assistant Chief Alvord had informally waived the fees for the Mill to re-build; we still need the board’s approval. Chief Smith reported that after the Mill Fire the Mill donated over $3,000 to have our ruined turnouts cleaned and replaced. MSC: Owen/Helsley to waive the inspection fees for the Trinity River Lumber during their re-build. Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer discussed the pros and cons of allowing the inspection fee waiver for the Mill. Motion passed.
E. Discuss/Approve Annual Preliminary Budget for the Fiscal Year of 2010/2011 – Clerk Maddox reported that the budget is still $7,000 away from being balanced; we need to accept a preliminary budget so we can move forward. MSC: Owen/Helsley to accept the preliminary budget as presented.
F. Discuss/Approve Changes to Mr. McMillan’s Job Description as Hazard Reduction Administrative Coordinator – This item is tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan reported Firefighters Hamilton and Howard have been working on hydrants, the oil fire school and have completed 2 sites. Firefighter Howard was injured on his personal time and was off for a week; Firefighter Mark Perry took his spot for one day, and then went off on a fire. Mr. McMillan will do more advertising since the calls coming in have slowed down. $10,777 is left in the Title III funds, Mr. McMillan and Chief Smith will be attending the BOS meeting tomorrow to report on the progress of the project, hopefully they will be awarded more Title III funds in September to keep the project running. There was discussion regarding the Grant through T.C.R.C.D. each Fire Department in the County is to identify 5 property sites that need 100’ of clearance.
Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Smith report:
Plan Reviews – Deck plans on Hart Street, road name on Browns Ranch Road, carport on Manzanita Drive and a parcel split off Browns Ranch Road.
Hydrants – Hydrant inspection at Weaver Creek Mobile Home Park, Vice-Chair Britton and Mr. Owen looked at a new water main off of Liberty Lane.
Vehicles – WT-32 had a pump switch cover replaced, all engines had their annual services, E-2112 had a water cooler leak repaired and will need 2 new tires, B-2103 had both front ball joints fail and also needs 2 new tires.
Meetings – 2 budget meeting, 6 volunteers attended the S-215 class, met about trial training books they are trying to get a County to try them, the problem is they are not accredited, met with Mr. Beeson for access to the field behind his house, and the TCCA Meeting.
Misc – 2 new weed trimmers were purchased through the Title III grant.
B. Sleeper Program Reports: Sleeper Heryford reported that he is looking for a 4” brass ball for the top of the flag pole at Station #2. Mr. Heryford discussed options for fixing the meeting room floor.
C. Committee Reports
a. Recruitment Committee – Mr. Helsley reported we are recruiting faster than we can outfit our new volunteers.
b. Collections Committee – Clerk Maddox reported there are 6 outstanding bills for collections that total over $1,200. There was discussion regarding billing DUI incidents as restitution.
c. Contract Committee – Chief Smith reported he has heard no word from Mr. Forslund; we are waiting on his response regarding the warning light beacon.
d. Budget Committee – This item was discussed under action items.
e. Director Reports: Mr. Owen asked if there was any word about the cars at the Oil Fire School, Chief Smith reported he has a meeting scheduled with Supervisor Morris. Legal Advisor Mr. Hammer requested the information regarding the cars parked at the Oil Fire School. Mr. Helsley reported he heard the noon whistle, it is back on and working. Vice Chair Britton asked why the Decon rig is still here, Chief Smith will ask Mr. Masterman about getting it moved.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1751 hours.
Approved: September 7, 2010
______________________________ _____________________________
Bill Britton, Vice Chairman Marjie Maddox, Clerk