I. CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Bill Britton at 1600 hours. Members present: Bill Britton Larry Helsley, Mike William, George Owen and Dee Potter. Member absent: None. Others present: Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Engineer Gus Kormeier, Sleeper Ernie Curran and Clerk Marjie Watkins.
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting July 5, 2011
B. Approve Warrant Lists and Journal Entries – MSC: Helsley/Owen to approve the consent agenda as presented.
A. Adoption of 2011/2012 final budget- Clerk Marjie Watkins explained the budget; there were no questions from the board. Entered into public hearing at 1605 hours, there were no public comments, closed public hearing at 1606 hours. MSC: Owen/Helsley to adopt the 2011/2012 final budget as presented.
A. Discuss/Approve Policy 03-1 amending gym membership policy – Chief Alvord reported the gym membership policy is being changed to reflect the helicopter membership, stating the volunteer must respond to or be on call 3 times per month. Mr. Potter commented that the board should not benefit with a financial return from this policy, there was board discussion. MSC: Potter/Williams to approve the amendment of the gym membership policy striking Fire District Director from the membership policy.
B. Discuss/Approve claim for damaged fence – Chief Alvord reported that contractor Rob Barcelona was working for the property owner and would invoice us for the price to fix our damage to the fence posts. After doing the work Mr. Barcelona reported there would be no charge to the District. Chief Alvord requested a report of how much it actually cost Mr. Barcelona and we will send him a donation letter for the work.
C. Discuss/Approve FEMA grant for a regional burn trailer estimated 10% match to cost maximum of $4000 – Chief Alvord reported the grant match for a burn trailer will be 10%, after pricing the trailers the price match should not go over $1,000. This would include 2 days of the burn trailer and a small stipend to help traveling departments pay for travel. MSC: Helsley/Williams to approve Chief Alvord to apply for a burn trailer training through this FEMA grant with the potential grant match of up to $1,000 as necessary.
A. Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord read an e-mail report from Mr. McMillan. Firestorm is winding down for the summer and should return to our work this fall. Larry Brown has been doing smaller jobs and has done an excellent job. We will be applying for more Title III funding this September for 2011/2012. Some large jobs that were completed were the Douglas City School, a large lot on Bennett Street, BLM property in Lewiston.
B. Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:
Inspections – Fire drill at CPS building, hydrants at mobile home parks have been tested, HRN walk through inspection, hydro test in the 2 x 4 sorter building at the Mill.
Vehicles – Hose and pump testing was started on the engines, some different sized tips are needed to complete this testing. There was a problem with the generator not kicking on this month, it has been fixed. Over Head Door Company has serviced all doors and is sending an estimate to replace a paned on WT-31 door.
Misc – $52,000 of grant money is available for TCCA to purchase narrow band pagers, they are still waiting on 6 departments, we have decided on the Swiss phone. The Department is looking into doing a bingo night here for a fund raiser.
Sleeper Program Reports – Sleeper Curran reported there have been a couple of problems with security this month that he took care of. He has been doing general maintenance, getting new light bulbs for the exterior lights, cleaned engine 3 bays and had completed apparatus checks.
C. Committee Reports:
a. Recruitment Committee – Chief Alvord reported the Department has been planning on recruiting at the High School when it starts back up for the Junior Program.
b. Collections Committee – None
c. Contract Committee – Mr. Hammer reported he is working on the Clerks contract and will have it ready for approval at the next meeting.
d. Budget Committee – Remove from the agenda.
D. Directors Reports – There was discussion if pump testing is mandated. There was discussion of previous ISO rating regarding neighboring departments.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1711 hours.
Approved: September 6, 2011
______________________________ _____________________________
Bill Britton, Chairman Marjie Watkins, Clerk