Clearing manzanita, in progress... (The slope itself was bare to begin with.)

Toward the right is 'before', toward the left is 'after'...

A tidy hillside 'after'...

Contrast between 'before' & 'after' at the treatment boundary...

Weeds, contrast at the treatment boundary...

Weeds, contrast at the treatment boundary...

'Before', this backyard slope was ~6' high in buck-brush.

2 photos taken from about the same spot (note the trees and power pole in both). The woodshed was there before, but was completely obscured by high thick manzanita.

2 photos taken from about the same spot (note the mural on the wall). The house and woodshed were completely obscured by thick manzanita.

2 photos taken from about the same spot (note the roof and deck, barely visible before).

Before: out-of-control juniper and berry bushes along the fence line.

Weeds, brush, lower limbs.