Trinity County Firefighters Complete Captains Academy
Twenty five volunteer firefighters spent the last seven weeks attending the first ever Trinity County Captains Academy. The students from Downriver Fire, Junction City Fire, Hyampom Fire, Trinity Center Fire, Coffee Creek Fire, Douglas City Fire and Weaverville Fire spent every Thursday nights and five Saturdays working through the course that was designed to prepare the students to be leaders at the fire house and on the incident. Students worked through fire problems using a computer simulator with local buildings as the “simulated fire”. They spent many nights going over advance fire behavior, advance fire attack and reviewing many past incidents from around the country that saw firefighters or civilians injured or die as the result of the fire. One Saturday class was dedicated to Wildland Fire fighting that included simulations of Wildland fire were students developed the plan and implemented the tactics to control the fire. Another Saturday session was dedicated to Management Styles and adaptive Leadership where the students observed and evaluated leadership styles.
Instructors for the course included Novato Fire Department Chief Marc Revere, Retired Novato Fire Department Division Chief Forrest Craig, CalFire Battalion Chief Andy Reiling, USFS Battalion Chief Stu Richter, Retired CalFire Battalion Chief Bill Britton, and Weaverville Fire Chief Scott Alvord.
Funding for this course was made possible from the Weaver City Street Rodders who recently donated money to the Weaverville Fire Department towards this training. “This course would have been very difficult to put on with out the financial support from the Car club”, said Chief Alvord.
This course was in addition to the regular training night that many of the departments still held. “The dedication and commitment that volunteer Firefighters make to protect and serve their community is inspiring” said Chief Alvord
With instructors Marc Revere & Forrest Craig.
With Weaver City Street Rodders reps.