Hazard Reduction Program
Trinity River Lumber Fire, 12sep09
Contribute your shots - digital & otherwise. Check for latest additions...
Links to More Photos - elsewhere on the web
Facebook: Serena Brown, WFD & TCLS, 2000-2001.
Facebook: Eric Palmer album: Oil Fire School, group photos.
Facebook: John Hall album: Oil Fire School, LaGrange Cafe fire.
Link - Trailer fire at the SPI camp, 21oct2011.
Facebook - Propane-Fire Training, 8oct2011.
Facebook - Propane-Fire Training, 8oct2011.
Video - Pumping the historic 1855 handpumper, 4jul2011.
Video - Pumping the historic 1855 handpumper, 2010.
Facebook - 'Young Eagles', 25jun2011.
Link - more 'Oregon Fire' photos, 2001.
Link - Photos & info re Junction Fire, July 2006.
Facebook: John Hall's album includes several Oil Fire School shots, & others.
Link - WFD volunteers on their (USFS) job.
Link - Vehicle/wildland fire Oregon Mtn.
Link - Trinity High students build us a new sign.
Link - 'Oregon' Fire, Weaverville, 2001.
Link 13jan10- Vehicle Extrication Training, Douglas City.
Link 22jan10- TCRCD article re: Hazard Reduction Program (pg1).
Link 22jan10- TCRCD article re: Hazard Reduction Program (pg2).
Link 9jan10- Vehicle Extrication Training, Douglas City.
Link 29nov09- 3-vehicle crash, Main St.
Link 12sep09- Trinity River Lumber Mill fire.
Link 12sep09- Trinity River Lumber Mill fire.