PART TIME HEROES NEEDEDFor over a century the Weaverville Fire Department has provided emergency service to our community, professionally delivered by dedicated volunteers, your neighbors. But as we strive to protect you, we need your help! Our 30 volunteers donate thousands of hours each year. They are typically citizens who work a full-time job, but donate time from their personal lives, to be the best firefighter/rescuers they can be. The "hobby" is challenging, exhilarating, rewarding. It's a family: brothers and sisters working together to help those in need. The intense comradeship that develop last a lifetime. You can help in many different rolls: driving the trucks, operating the pumps, rescue, firefighting, medical aid. And members of our Support Services group assist in other ways: fire prevention/education, grant writing, fundraising, food, equipment maintenance, and more. All are important. Please: come by the station off Bremer Street (turn off Main St at the Nugget Cafe'), learn more about your Weaverville Fire Department, and how you can contribute to this special organization. Contact us...
Special benefits for active volunteers (see Serena for details):